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Cleaning Blog

We are always searching for the latest home-cleaning tips and advice. Some even say we’re obsessed with finding cleaning tricks and advice and sharing home cleaning information to the Upper Valley area and beyond.

We study the web, particularly the cleaning blogs we have bookmarked. When we see an informative article, we review it, summarize it, and then provide a link so that you can also benefit from our research on cleaning tips and advice.

We love to discover cleaning tips and love to share what we discover. Wisdom on how to clean your home or office is always valuable as it makes the world a better place.

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Curated Blog Posts

We love to discover cleaning tips and wisdom and love to share too!

Home Cleaning – Think Win-Win!

To think win-win does not mean that you always must be nice. It isn’t about being nice. It is also a long-term approach, not a short-term “quick-fix. According to Stephen Covey, it is a character-based code for human interaction and collaboration.

Favorites for an Organized Office

Everyone needs an organized office! If you have one then you know what I mean. 

Here is a post from one of our Fav Bloggers – Becky of Clean Mama.

The Ultimate Move Out Cleaning Checklist

Cleaning your entire home during a move can seem like a monumental task between all the packing, decluttering, and lifting, Redfin reached out to Cleaning Glow and other experts for tips and advice for the ultimate move out cleaning checklist.

Check out the blog post to ensure your move is as smooth as possible.

Home Cleaning – Begin with the End in Mind

We all want to make progress in our lives. Most human beings have this desire. Today, people are working very hard but do not seem to be making much progress. This creates a level of frustration that further exasperates the situation.

In this post you will examine a principle that is essential to achieving something. It investigates the concept of “begin with the end in mind”.

The Power of Can and Can’t

In this podcast we learn about a breakthrough. A mindset breakthrough. You will gain insights into the power of focusing on the things you can do and not on the things you can’t do. It may not sound like much, and your may be skeptical. But you may also realize that there can be an impact from a simple shift in thinking about things.

A Smarter Way To Clean Your Home

Take this guided tour of your home — from the kitchen and bathroom to the bedroom and living areas — to learn the basic rules of cleaning as well as some tips and short cuts that will help you clean thoroughly and efficiently.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Home Cleaning

Cleaning your Home – Be Proactive!

You are the one responsible. You have a responsibility. A proactive person decides how to handle any situation. Realize that you are not forced by some nebulous external force to have an untidy home. You can choose. You can make your home a sparkling and clean home environment. It’s your decision!

Paper Clutter? Try the 3 Folder System

Another timeless blog from Becky.

If you’re dealing with paper clutter and are struggling to come up with a system that works in your home, try the 3 Folder System. This little system won’t solve all your paper problems, but it will definitely help with those paper stacks!

Quick Cleaning Tips for the Kitchen

Are you feeling overwhelmed in the kitchen or feel like you need some tips to make cleaning up the kitchen a little quicker, you’re going to love these quick cleaning tips for the kitchen. This post has some nice imagery too!

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