Home Winterization Advice
Curated from: A Clean Vision

Regular cleaning remains the cornerstone of a pleasant-smelling home and is the foundation for all other odor-elimination strategies. Make it a point to clean surfaces regularly and use fresh-scented cleaning products to enhance the fragrance. Take charge of your home’s scent today—your nose (and guests) will thank you!
Revitalizing Indoor Spaces: Crafting a Cozy Sanctuary
With the mercury dropping and the great outdoors becoming increasingly colder, our homes transform into cherished sanctuaries where we seek refuge from the biting cold. By dedicating time and effort to revitalizing your indoor spaces, you can create a warm, inviting atmosphere that boosts your comfort and ensures optimal functionality and efficiency.
Use Essential Oils
Add a few drops of citrus or clean-scented oils, such as lemon or lavender, to a diffuser for a fresh room scent.
Use Scented Candles
Choose mild, clean-scented candles like citrus or linen to improve your home’s smell without overwhelming it.
Cleaning Products
Use fresh-scented cleaning solutions like lemon or pine to leave a clean smell on surfaces.
DIY Summer Citrus Approach
Simmer citrus peels in water for a natural air freshener.
Add Scented Oil to Your Vacuum
Add a few drops of rose or lavender oil to your vacuum’s washable filter to scent carpets while cleaning. This simple trick will have people saying your house smells great.
Regular Cleaning is Key
Maintain a clean home as the foundation for all odor-elimination strategies.
Read the full blog post at A Clean Vision.
You may not notice that your home has a smell, but trust us, it does. For better or for worse, it may even be the first thing guests sense when they enter your home. If your home smells nice, it’s a welcome sensation, but if your home’s signature scent is causing people to wrinkle their noses with concern, then it would be best if you took action to create a clean-smelling and pleasant home scent.