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The Power of Can and Can’t

Curated from: A Slob Comes Clean In this podcast we learn about a breakthrough. A mindset breakthrough. You will gain insigths into the power of focusing on the things you can do and not on the things you can’t do. It may not sound like much, and your may be...

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Home Cleaning

Curated from: A Clean Vision Cleaning your Home – Be Proactive! You are the one responsible. You have a responsibility. A proactive person decides how to handle any situation. Realize that you are not forced by some nebulous external force to have an untidy home. You...

Paper Clutter? Try the 3 Folder System

Curated from: Clean Mama Another timeless blog from Becky. If you’re dealing with paper clutter and are struggling to come up with a system that works in your home, try the 3 Folder System. This little system won’t solve all your paper problems, but it will definitely...

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